It's Spring!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Snow, Wind and Cold Weather

I am back- again!!!!!!! Sorry my dear few followers, but I seem to always forget how to blog, and remember how to stalk on facebook. I will admit, I love to  stalk, but it seems to just be pictures, photographers, and pregnant women photos. Some are just so adorable and others, well, should just not take pictures of themselves prego.

I am going to have to make this short, because I need a nap, and I  have to get my stuff ready for yet another vendor fair thing I am doing tonight. Not sure why I am going, because I will bet any of you $100 that there isn't anyone who shows up. grrrrrr. I was invited to join, and told invites and ads would go out, only to find out an hour ago the lady will a.) be late and b.) hasn't told anyone- so I am praying to the facebook Gods that someone who has read my page will show up and spend $$.

What I really wanted to let all of you know, is that I will be WORKING, yes I said WORKING next week. Apparently the Junior High/High School needs and Aide in the Special Needs room for all of next week, so here I go. At home with my homies........rather my sisters homies.

By the way, for you readers- I finally had a dose of what being a woman was like again, and I HATE IT!! Thats all. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Christmas Ideas for Annie & Caleb

I have decided that you all need to know what we would like and use, rather than not like and just re-sell on EBay!! So family- coming from the couple that is THE worst gift givers imaginable, please respond to this post by telling us what you would like from us!! Thanks in advance. Now moving on because Wheel of Fortune is about on:

For Annie & Caleb (you decide what is for who- can't be that hard if you know us)
~NOOK  (that virtual book from Barnes and Noble, and YES in color) no worry, I literally have it printed in plain site above the computer so that every time Caleb may come use the computer, he is reminded to just buy it then. so far, it hasn't come across the banking, so I will just dream of this, much like I dream of the next item
~Purple Ball Dyson Vacuum. Nuff said
~Duck Hunt for the Wii- YES!!!! It is HEEEEERRRRRREEEEE!! Saw it today on a commercial!
~the book that just came out today, by George W. Bush- but preferrably, just the book for the nook please and thanks.
~Alaskan Cruise. anytime will work. 2 tickets. thanks.
~NEW (compared to used I guess) Deep fitted Egyptian Cotton Sheets. brown. tan. ivory. sage green. or brown. plus Pillow cases silly heads!
~Victoria's Secret Gift Card (mom- its only tradition, and with that tradition, comes more money on it every year. lets pretend my boobs are growing so I need more money to spend :) )
~Canon Camera with interchangable lenses.
~Vivi Crandell Bunny Prints. I will re-decorate, I just want them. let's make this a tradition, what-do-ya say? PERFECT! I agree too!
~A weekend for my 25th birthday in $$VEGAS$$$ with all of you who are reading this!!!! (sister-I just kicked you out because you turned me down. not nice. we are now fighting.)

Ok Folks- Happy Shopping!!!! wheel is on, got to run! Toodles

Monday, September 27, 2010

Just another Manic Monday...........

So here I go again- my title of this post is mentioning a manic Monday, but really, it isn't....yet. C is still sleeping as he said he is feeling sick, I was sick last night, and he hasn't been getting much sleep with this silly work schedule. Beyond all this, I had a Silpada Jewelry party this weekend (and UL) and I had all the friends of mine in this town, minus not very many, come over!! I had a great time!!!! My bro-in-law decided that he was going to sell my items for me, and literally made the party. That homemade Sangria by PW is rather dangerous, make at your own will, but consider this my warning. In fact, I am still so 'mad' at how it made me feel yesterday, the fruit is still sitting in the container yelling at me to throw it away and stop blogging. I am not going to.

Before my friend left yesterday, we traveled into the mountains and had a great visit all the way upppp and doooown. Here is a few pictures I snapped at the top of the mountain:

And before I leave, Happy Monday! Please leave a comment of any sort to let me know I still have followers....and take a look at my fun widdlytinks I added to my page!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

**Oh the signs of growing up**

Well, I have gone from miserable blogger and friends lecturing that I need to blog, to all the sudden Miss Blogger and no friends even reading. So ladies, here you are. I am 'researching' blogs and finding out lots of funny things to blog about. I am going to call the last few months, hell, but also writers block. PERFECT! I guess this is what good house wives do, blog. And listen scared to their dogs barking and wondering what kind of 'pest' or creep I have around the outside of my house.......perhaps I should check on that. But I will post this first.

I cheated- looked outside, nothing there and am creeped out. 9-1-1 ready on the phone.

Back to my blogging:
Remember the days of youth? The ones that were just yester-year and all we had on our minds was getting thru a test so we could go out and party all night?  ahhhhh the days of COLLEGE!!!!!

Well, I dream of those days. When I slept in. Ate. occasionally made a class, and then finally showered so I looked decent to go out, and not so decent in classes. Yup. I was 'THAT' girl, and I had a lot of fun!!! But, back on track. I found this list and I couldn't help but relate to it and laugh out loud. (lol) So I am re-blogging it and laughing still. Enjoy.

25 Signs You’re Getting Older

1. Your potted plants stay alive.

2. Having sex in a twin-sized bed is absurd.

3. You keep more food than beer in the fridge.

4. 6:00 a.m. is when you get up, not when you go to sleep.

5. You hear your favorite song on an elevator.

6. You carry an umbrella. You watch the Weather Channel.

7.Your friends marry and divorce instead of hook up and break up.

8. You go from 130 days of vacation time to 7.

9. Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as “dressed up.”

10, You’re the one calling the police because those damn kids next door don’t know how to turn down the stereo.

11. Older relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes around you.

12. You don’t know what time Taco Bell closes anymore.

13. Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up.

14. You feed your dog Science Diet instead of McDonald’s.

15. Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.

16. You no longer take naps from noon to 6:00 p.m.

17. Dinner and a movie — the whole date instead of the beginning of one.

18. MTV News is no longer your primary source for information.

19. You go to the drugstore for Ibuprofen and antacids — not condoms and pregnancy-test kits.

20. A $4 bottle of wine is no longer “pretty good stuff.”

21. You actually eat breakfast foods at breakfast time.

22. Grocery lists are longer than macaroni & cheese, diet Pepsi & Ho-Ho’s.

23. “I just can’t drink the way I used to” replaces “I’m never going to drink that much again.”

24. Over 90% of the time you spend in front of a computer is for real work.

25. You don’t drink at home to save money before going to a bar.

***Special Banana Nut Bread***- is in the oven!!

So being home alone at night, has got me becoming so-phis-ti-cat-ed!! I thought that my hard working husband needs to have a few treats laying around, and well since the peanut butter cookies disappeared in his lunch box tonight, it became time for a new treat. Currently, this is baking-

And it is going to be soooooo good! I can just smell how yummy it will taste!! So, because if you are one of maybe 5 people reading this, I don't mind sharing my recipe!!

*Special Banana Nut Bread*
Prep:25 min  Bake: 1 hour +

3/4 cup butter, softened
1 pkg. (8 oz) cream cheese, softened     (I combine the first two ingredients and soften together in a bowl in the microwave)
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
1-1/2 cups mashed ripe bananas (I just use 4 or 5)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract  (I personally add 1/2 teaspoon almond extract as well :) )
3 cups all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
add as many of what ever kind of nuts you would like!!!

1.) In a large mixing bowl, cream the butter, cream cheese and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each.  Beat in bananas and extracts. In seperate bowl, combine flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt; add to creamed mixture slowly. Add in your nuts!
2.) Transfer to 2 greased 8 in x 4 in x 2 in loaf pans, and sprinkle the top with nuts :).  Bake at 350* for 1 - 1 1/4  hours or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean.
3.) MOST IMPORTANT STEP- enjoy and please please, I beg of you, make this and then tell me about it.

I really hope you enjoy as much as I do!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My 101 things to do in 1001 days...

Feb 2011- Time to go thru and see where I am standing on my list of things to accomplish!!! 84 more to go!

I heard about doing this back in January, and on the dreadful website Facebook, I actually started this as a note. As you can tell, I have not got very far. But now that people can only read this if I share the website, or if they follow one of my followers, I think I don't mind sharing. I am starting this list on Friday, April 16, 2010. It will be finished when it is posted, lets just hope it is today. So starting it today, means I have to accomplish these things by Friday, January 11, 2013. ( go to to find your day 1001)  But this is hard and I challenge every one of you reading to do the same. Just make sure you share it with someone, somehow so that you get that reminder to DO them!!!!  So here it goes!!!!

UPDATE: It is now the first day of fall, and not spring anymore. Somehow I managed to skip summer months and in turn have not updated this list, or finished. Just so you are aware though, I have stopped up to this point at 49. I am now on a mission to try to complete this. However, as all the close friends and family know, my memory literally sucks, and I honestly am afraid I really need to start taking that old people stuff to help with memory, and I think it is called Ginko Baloba. (spelling??)  And....I am off.

1.)Learn my camera inside and out

2.) Enter and win a photo contest

3.) Have a photo printed in Cowboys and Indians

4.)Have kids

5.)Take our honeymoon we never really go to take to Hawaii

6.)Have our current home on the market to sell

7.)Have an Uppercase Living Open House that reaches $1000 in sales ( I believe this was accomplished....need to check, but I came dang close!)

8.) Own a new vehicle

9.) Never weigh over 130 lbs (unless I am preggers of course)

10.) Find my brother in law a woman he can live happily ever after with

11.) Master the art of baking cinnamon rolls ~I think after hundreds of these made, I can say this is DONE!

12.) Take a photography class taught by a professional

13.) Put my clothes away EVERY time I take them out of the dryer

14.) Plant, grow, and share the wealth of my garden ~done- this fall,- that is a complete diff. blog subject, I better get on that too!~

15.) Get a privacy fence around our yard

16.) Surprise my husband with an over night, spur of the moment, getaway

17.) Paint our house a new color ~Done!!! It is now Grey with Dark Green Trim!!~

18.) Have the prettiest flowers in town

19.) Have at least 5 fun summer barbeques in our backyard 1 down, 4 to go

20.) Get my husband to read all 101 things on this!!!! DONE!!! He just read it!! YIPPEEEEEEEE

21.) Skydive at night over $Vegas$ (not sure if that is possible, but I am looking into it!)

22.) Find a penmenship class and learn how to write beautifully!!!

23.) Get a bikini sugar (like waxing)--  this may be the toughest goal yet!!!

24.) Send a card to each relative for their birthday

25.) Finish my degree ~DONE!! YAY!!!~

26.) Grow my hair longer than it has ever been in my life

27.) Have at least 2 months of bills in savings by Jan 2012

28.) Get the entire collection of ISpy books for Caleb

29.) Get pedicures for an entire summer

30.) Learn how to snowboard

31.) Meet the Gosselin kids and Kate

32.) Go to the Olympics with Caleb

33.) Don't miss one Poke Football game at home

34.) Hem the curtains in our house ~Done- last weekend :)~

35.) Have an Open House each weekend for an entire month

36.) Get my parents bathroom in tip-top shape

37.) Make sure my sister and bro-in-law get their living room curtains to stay in the wall
(sorry sister, Caleb has worn off on me about thing being 'done' right! I will have him help you so they don't fall out!!!)

38.) Go Snowshoeing

39.) Hunt a Big Game animal

40.) Don't miss a birthday party we are invited to for one year, then after as well.

41.) Make every wedding we get an invitation to from now until this ends, then after as well.

42.) Swim with dolphins

43.) Go to a Denver Broncos Game

44.) Blog once a week

45.) Get a custom UW Bucking Horse Infant Car Seat Cover..............for our badA** Child(ren) to come

46.) Make every recipe except the Burgundy Mushrooms in the PW Cookbook!!!!!

47.) Go to Elitches with a group of friends

48.) Visit our cousins in Europe

49.) Grow potatoes

50.)Find a job I love

51.) Learn how to cook healthy as well as cooking delicious

52.) Enter a coyote hunt with Caleb

53.) Make at least one 'true' friend in this place I am calling home ~I think I may have done this, with more to come!

54.) Organize all my photos on my SD cards

55.) Hit the next level in U.L.

56.) Start Caleb's Christmas present and get it finished this year. ~DONE! I made him a UW rag quilt- pictures to come

57.) Go visit Caleb's grandma

58.) Don't drink Red bull for one month, then two, etc etc
59.) fly in a two seater plane

60.) Learn the basics of quilting

61.) Go to the Kentucky Derby

62.) Get trees planted in our yard.

63.) Don't speak negative for an entire week ~I would say this has been happening since I am no longer in such a negative work environment!!! GO ME!!!

64.) Go Parasailing

65.) Pay off credit card

66.) pay off quickcash

67.) Join some sort of group in Saratoga, maybe bunco!!! ~DONE!! Bible Study, and I love it!

68.) see the nutcracker in Denver

69.) Get new living room furniture ~On our way Friday Feb 4th to search, ours is sold, so I would say this is DONE too!

70.) Go to Wal Mart and ONLY buy necessaties DONE

71.) Do my hair for one week straight Oh this is really done.........

72.) Take one road trip with out our cell phones

73.) Go to Kennedy Peak ~DONE!!! Had a great lil jaunt with Caleb and Kristen Lindsey!!

74.) Learn how to shoot Calebs 243

75.) Kill a coyote

76.) Replace our switch covers

77.) Visit each grandparents grave on Memorial Day

78.) Attend at least one church service ~Oh my heck!! We have been going to church for a couple months straight now!! DONE!!!

79.) Have a surprise party thrown for me

80.) Clean out clothes I wish I still fit in

81.) Loose 5 lbs.

82.) Increase my garden size every year

83.) Get all family members birthday presents on time

84.) Attend Cheyenne Frontier Days every summer for a concert

85.) Go to Fremont County Fair

86.) Watch a demo derby every year

87.) Drive a derby car in the powder puff

88.) Get a bike

89.) Put in for a moose license

90.) Visit my sister at least every 6 months

91.) Start a yearly trip

92.) Get my substitute teaching license ~ I have my sub close!

93.) Print out my favorite photos of mine

94.) My a halloween costume, for me, or anyone

95.) Go to the NFR

96.) Take an Alaskan Cruise

97.) See whales in the wild

98.) Be able to have professional photos of our 'family' done (includes Caleb and I, and Togie and Buddy and now Tika)

99.) Ride a train

100.)Start reading a series of novels ~DONE!!! I have got to a few, currently finishing the last book in a series.....

101.) **Stealing this from my sister** Pay myself $5 for each completed task and SAVE it until all are completed!

HOORAY!! I did it!!!! So now I am going to bake something out of PW's cookbook, and get one step closer to done!!!  I highly encourage you to do this as fact, I am now changing # 75 with this "Have at least 5 friends make their 101 in 1001 list and let me know so I can get $5 in savings!" 

Thank you, please don't forget to 'remind' me about this list, and to let me know when you have your list published. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Well my dear followers, I tend to really be enjoying summer so I don't like blogging. But due to the fact that I am getting lectured by my 4 followers, I am going to fill out this blogger survey that my dear friend who likes to ground me tagged me in (don't ask what that means, so I am just going to write names and that means I tagged you)

3 Names I go by:

1. Annabelle

2. Phat Anne

3. Annie (duh)

3 Places I've been:

1. Vancouver

2. Tijuana, Mexico

3. I go in my dreams to Ireland :)

Favorite drinks:

1. Pepsi (since the last year)

2. Malibu and 7

3. Iced Tea

3 Job's I've had:

1. Daycare helper- loved it, hated the early mornings of wide awake kids

2. Waitress at the Cavalryman- loved that job, not the place- I got paid to exercise and got paid GOOD!

3. Current Office 'B****'- I do everything that anyone wants me to do, including well uh, everything. Great benefits, horrible pay and a lot of bullshit it seems....I guess that is everywhere. Someday I hope to be in my dream job!!

3 TV shows I watch:

1. The Bachelorette (love it!)- I am WAY with you Les on this!!!! 

2. The Hills/ The City

3. Kourtney & Khloe take Miami/ Keeping up with the Kardashians/ Holly's World/ Kendra!

3 Places I would like to visit:

1. Ireland- oh I just dream and dream of going here

2. Hawaii- for our honeymoon we couldn't take because of money........I would give anything in the world to be able to go with my husband before we have kids!!!

3. New Zealand- although I may not come back because there are no snakes there!!!!

4. (yup I am adding another number)- ALASKA!!!! I want to go be a complete tourist there!!!

3 Favorite retro TV shows:

1. The OC

2. Friends

3. Bewitched

3 Favorite Dishes:

1. Potato Chip Casserole

2. Spicy foods........-enchiladas, taco salad, jalapeno poppers, etc

3. Olive Garden!!!

3 Things I'm looking forward to:

1. Caleb's Birthday

2. Christmas
3. Fall colors!

3 People I'm tagging:

1. Dixie Lullaby

2. Ashli W.

3. My Siester- This is the great opportunity to start blogging FINALLY!!! I really really really need updates on my neices and how they are doing and pictures!!! PA PA PLEASE START TODAY!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

**I am sooooo behind!!!!**

*Wow - I suck lately at blogging!!!!
I have been super uber busy I guess....*

Let me fill you guys in here on what has been happening, and lets hope that I have pictures to go with my stories....Geesh!!!

Since my last post (June 1st!!! EEK!)
~We have had crazy high water!!  And as of last night, there is just puddles in the corrals and fields now; lots of down fences; lots and lots of river rock EVERYWHERE; lots of holes due to dirt washing away and apparently lots of PHAT PHISH!!!!  (that is Fat Fish for those of you who don't read my language)

A lot of water!!! Caused evacuations here and A LOT of left over river rock and washed out roads and a bridge....

I mean look at how high this water is!!!! And some stupid people were trying to float knowing they can't make it under this bridge (below)!!! 

~And besides crazy water, it is time to move the cows, babies and bulls to the I took an hour before work last Friday and tried to capture some pictures!! (don't expect to much please, the sun was in my eyes, cowboys were yelling at me to get the hell out of the way, and my father in law was telling me to get in the way and get pictures for, he was the boss that day!)

Ok- You see that 'saddle' up there in the mountains??  (the bare spot), that is where these cows are summering....
The first picture I gathered that morning- father/son and dogs....
Oh my cowboy riding away into the sunrise...........oh la la

This is the shot I so wanted!!!! But the sun was hard to proof what I was taking, the mean cowboy was being mean, and the cows were moving so fast!!! Plus, my lack of attentiveness (is that a word??) to what I was doing, made the camera focus on the cows that were close, and made the cowboys blurry!!! Oh well, now I know for next time!!

See what I am saying??? Focus was in all the wrong areas!!!!! IF I was any better at Photoshop-I would have this all fixed, but I am a retard at it!   (ps-the cowboss is in the Tundra! lol)

And, of course I have to add another one of my favorites....

~Next item up for discussion:

Yes, I have a picture of our man "Buddy"- the run away to find girlfriends and return home after gettin' sum!!!!

And Pookie and his new pup-

This I beleive is "Amos" and this is how you will see him and his owner!!

Ta Ta for now!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

***True Words Of Marriage For My Fellow Married Followers***

Ok, dear married friends.  Yes you, the one that is either preggo, already been prego, or going to get preggo..................please read this.

I just happened to find this blogger this morning and this afternoon I clicked on this post. I am now sharing it because as a woman with emotions, stress, a wonderful husband and a ring on my finger, I think we ALL need to read this and remember one thing- "Sparks are meant to go out, but not the flame that the spark made"

So click here:

And READ!!!!!!  Please share your comments, but I think this is a wonderful life reminder of Marriage!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Introducing.....Mr and Mrs Travis Richards!!!!


This last weekend, several people that populate the states of Wyoming and Nebraska decided to board planes to hit up the Fun/Wild/Expensive/Headache making city of **Las Vegas** to join

Kiersten Lanay Collins
Travis Richards

at becoming husband and wife!!!!

We boarded the plane at the most wonderful time of day- sunset!!!! 

We had a pretty good flight- I was so tired, but thanks to the coaxing of my husband, I ended up drinking anyways.........then we got bored and I thought playing M*A*S*H*O would be fun, so we did!!!

And here is us!!!

And Now for wedding pictures.......Kiersten look so beautiful!!!!!! Hungover or not, we had a great time!!!! I am only posting my favorites........but if you know me, you know that there is another site where you can more than likely see them all, just without such great captions! :)

Here is Connie, doing a wonderful job at making Drunk Cara get ready on time!!!! 

Got to love my dad!!!!

Mr. and Mrs. Richards, and Mr. and Mrs. Travis Richards

The Bride and Groom!!
 (I was super-woman! I was able to get pictures while the photographer made them perfect...hence the reason they aren't looking at me....but I still got them! AND, make the dress and hair perfect!!!)

Mr. & Mrs. Rusty Collins, and Mr. & Mrs. Travis Richards....wait till you see my dads face in the next photo!!! PRICELESS!!

Told you didn't I???

I apparently was not ready for this picture- so I am leaving it small, I just wanted to show you my complete family!!!!

An All-around good day for big smiles!!!!

And I think I am going to leave you with a picture of us having a grand ol time!!!!

Ok, now we have to make a deal.......I need my followers to remind me to put up details of this trip....
It seems to take a bit for the pictures to get uploaded lately, so my blogging has become less and less frequent...but keep reminding me and I will get it done!!! I have lots of details, lots of laughs, and I want to share them...just not today :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This one is for you Papa!

On April 23, 2010 my Papa, and last grandparent passed away after what I consider a bad dose of colon cancer. I tell ya what, I have had it with cancer. This is grandparent #4, out of 4, to pass away due to it!!!!

I thought that I would post this picture, in memory of him...and leave it at that. Well, ok if I find more pictures, I will post those too. But right now, this is all I have on the computer.

I will miss you Papa, but I will always remember your voice, ornery-ness, and thumbs up. Those among many other things, but mostly, I will always remember how much I loved to hear you say "Love you!"

I found another: not very clear right now, but working on it!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Random Post

I am now going on night one million, ten trillion, thirty ga-zillion alone. I guess I am not completely alone, but let's face it, Buddy and Togie can't talk. And, they have an attention span of about 1.4589 seconds. So to keep me busy, and keep me cleaning the house, I am blogging TWO times tonight. I figure it will just keep my three followers busy extra long tomorrow morning while you guys are avoiding the Monday Morning blues at work!!!!  

I had an open house yesterday in Cheyenne......I tell ya what, I love selling what I sell!!!!!! It was so great to meet a few new people and to finally see my friend {L}'s home!!!!!  (No worry, Lesley, I have full faith that you will soon look pregnant, and to me, I think I am the one that is chubby, not you!)  So after a couple hours of visiting, I had the rest of the day to do what I wanted!!!!   HOBBY LOBBY there I went!   I can't tell you guys how deprived I am living where I live!!! I don't know how to shop anymore! I find myself zigzagging through every single aisle afraid I am going to miss something!!  Ohhhhh I love shopping with no time constraint!

Anyways, I did find some great buys!!  I got some more shower items for {K}'s Shower #2 (fake flowers/grasses etc are 50% off!!), a couple new frames for our family pictures (frames are 50% off!!!), some metal cross candle holders to hang in our living room (metal wall art, 50% off!!), some material to sew throw pillows for our couch (color totally clashes too!! So now they will be for our bed!), and I also got pretty candles for the cross candle holders!! (candles, 50% off!!!). I spent less than an hour in there, but it felt like the entire day!!

After this, I went to the mall. I could NOT get myself to go into ANY of the stores, except Riddles, to get my ring cleaned!!!! I have no idea what came over me, but after Hobby Lobby, it was like I was just D-O-N-E! I knew I still had time, so I went to Barnes & Noble. I LOVE THAT STORE!!!

I spent forever in there too!!! At one point I had so many books in my hands, I dropped a few and felt like a retard that had never been shopping in a book store before!  While there, I searched for a new novel, photography books, and I SPY and Where's Waldo.  End result= no novel, a great photography book, 2 Where's Waldo books for Caleb, a Chicken Soup for the Cancer Patients Soul for my father in law to read while in Laramie for Radiation and Chemo, and an eye puzzle book for Caleb to take to work to make time pass while there isn't something to do. Oh ya, and I got a Crock Pot cookbook for $7.95!!!!!  I can't wait for both of us to be home at night so I can cook dinner again!!!! (It just doesn't work if I cook for myself, because then I have so many left overs!!!!!!)

PHEW!!!!!   I decided it was time to head home. I did, of course, stop in Laramie and catch up with a few friends from Fremont County!!!! I just love the Campbells!!!!!  

On my way home, at about 9:15, I was wired!! So I drove to Sinclair, instead of exiting, to say a quick 'hello' to my husband!! Well worth the extra 45 minutes out of my way!!!!!!

We have a couple WILD boys tonight and I caught a few in action shots!

Then, my new book says to just take pictures! That is how I will learn my camera!! These next two pictures I took right after one another, but on different settings. The first was on 'landscape' and the second was on 'sunrise/sunset'...which do you like best????

I think it is hard to decide, but I am loving the colors!!!!  BIG difference in those settings!!!
I better hurry and finish this blog so I can go read more!!!

The book also said that a good photographer can photograph anything, but a great photographer can make anything look interesting!!!! This picture below I shot just to show you how bad our current paint job on our house is!!!!!!!!!
And here is our ugly Home numbers and Outdoor light...............all soon to change!!!

I was practicing that whole "making things look interesting" so I thought I would leave you with this cute picture to remind you to plant flowers this year!!!!!!  And the finale photo......................what I need to get folded instead of blogging about it!!!!!!!!!

OOOOPPPSSS!!! ta ta for now!