It's Spring!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

*****Oldies, but funnies!!******

Well, it is that time for my husband to be working while I am not, so I am blogging.
I have realized that now that I know how to finally follow people, (I HAVE THREE FOLLOWERS!!!!) I really like to blog. Pretty much, a whole lot better than reading that darn facebook and who just collected eggs, and who just adopted a walrus, and what someone's horoscope is today!!!! IT DRIVES ME BANANAS reading all that SH*T!!! I am not kidding you, it is annoying and goes completely against the whole idea of being on Facebook to 'get in touch' with people you hardly see or with people whom you have not seen for years!!! Does this crap annoy anyone else? or is it just me? ARGH! Sorry I had to get that out!!!

Well, tonight's topic= "Oldies, but Funnies!" As you see above, I was adorable. I still am in my husbands eyes (wait........I better be!!) :) That picture is PeeWee Showmanship at fair when I was oh, around 5 I am going to say. This is a family favorite picture, Bandit of course is why!!!  Actually, it is in black and white because I made the newspaper!!!!!  And I can't lie, this was the start of my days of being in the paper with fair activities. I guess I need a blog post about newspaper pictures, Great Idea!!!!   RIP Bandit, you were the best dog to date!!!

Oh my convertible!!!!!! How I miss my first car!!!!  And that purple jacket with those rock star sun glasses that are totally from the 80's dude!!!! And now coming back in style. I remember 'driving away' from home in this car more than once to grandma's and papa's..............every time my mom and sister ganged up on me!!!!  I would have to make sure the battery would last, because I was convinced thanks to my sister, that there were SNAKES everywhere!!!! So I absolutely refused to get out if the battery died. I think that is why I had that big white bear in the car with me! Bears would eat snakes right???At least I was convinced of this.
Our child(ren) will not have to worry about never having a battery operated toy like this!!! They will, and it will be the fastest, bestest, most bad a$$ vehicle in this state!! (don't worry mom, you will get to buy it too!!!!!)

And then there was Maui!!! Oh how I love Maui!!!!  I am going to be shunned I bet for posting this, but it is a family memory!!!!!!  The trip of buying old men drinks at the bar while I swam in the pool, of riding on suitcases in the backseat of the rent-a-convertible (because we bought to much and it wouldn't all fit in the trunk) while it rained on us, of me falling even more in love with the ocean and dreaming of it since. The trip of me have the 'best' style in clothing....and talking my dad into a little Hawaiian Luau dress that my mom and sister thought was hideous and wouldn't walk near me when I wore it!!! I then remember wearing it 'to teach my students' in my bedroom during summers home on the ranch. Most kids had friends to play with in town, not me. I had "students" to teach. And I did. I was just like Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Crain. I had a grade book, a whistle for recesses, and everything I needed to teach my invisible students. And I did most of that in my dress. What a great dress!!!!!!! Oh the memories of 17 Mile Road and the shared pink bedroom with rainbow wallpaper! (uh mom, you can't decorate your future grandkids rooms in rainbows, that is where I draw the line. But I am sure my sister would love you to do that for her kids!!!)

Moving on because my 'lonely' teaching summers are just making me giggle a little to loud; I am waking up my sleeping dogs!!!!  he he he he

I can't beleive I almost forgot to post this!!!!! Oh Freesteppers!!! Thank God I don't have a good memory and can't remember anything about Fremont County Freesteppers except vaguely the weird married instructors, practicing in the fair building, and of course....drum GIGANTIC crush on the Phinney twins!!!! HA HA HA Oh my gosh!
Moving on from that.....................

Almost Grown ups!!!!!!  One of my favorite pictures of us sisters!!!!
Oh yes, this one is too!

Well, I think I will leave you with your thoughts and comments on this blog!!! I need to get some sleep!!!

We may have celebrated SIGNING ON OUR HOUSE FINALLY!!!!!!



  1. You quit making us all think you're pregnant you big turd! I can't wait til you finally are!

  2. I totally agree about the facebook comments! Drives me nuts too! That's all that's on there and now I have to dig through all that crap just to see what everybody is doing! Its a social networking site not a gaming site. AND!!! I'M TIRED OF THE DAMN "GIFTS" AND "REQUESTS" ECT. LOL, sorry had to get that out there! By the way, cute pictures of you when you were little!

  3. LOL...I LOVE the pics!! :)

  4. Yep those are the favorite pics of Annie when she was little...we had to hurry and take pictures while she was cleaned up. Love your blog brings back lots of great memories.
