It's Spring!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Well.... here it goes again! For an update in our lives, since I had to delete the last blog due to some crazy stuff happening, just keep reading!

What I was saying.....I CAN NOT WAIT TO OWN OUR HOME AND GARDEN!!!!!!
On March 26th, we should be closing on our house and it will finally be owned by Caleb and Annie Newton!!!! I have told Lesley today that I am going to hopefully be a mad cleaning lady (just an early start to spring cleaning) this weekend and then I can put up some before and after pictures!!!!  I am hoping to also blog what happened to my dress, and other life events happening.

And then- I am going to do a Garden Blog!!!! I can NOT wait to get my hands in the dirt! So mom- so far, I need you to hold back the best varieties of: Tomato Plants (I would like 6 I think), Cucumbers (to eat and pickle), Strawberries and Raspberries, Oh and did I mention I am going to REALLY need your help planting these?? I will need to make sure they all get the best spot possible for their summer/fall lives!!!!  And I want pumpkins, green beans, zucchini, I am looking for the right 'corn' variety for Saratoga..., and I also want some trees I think!!! Ones that have good shade, but will grow fast!!!  And I think my previous garden, is going to turn into the vege know like cucumbers and zucchini so that they don't drown out the rest of my plants!!! Oh ya, I also want to plant potatoes, and oh my gosh HOW COULD I FORGET?!?!? I am so excited to plant peppers! Bell peppers, hot peppers, you name it, I want it!!!! But I also need help pretty please!!!

As far as our dogs, oh those dogs!!!   Buddy has been coming inside, just because he is my gaurd dog and I am too pissed to look at Togie!  This morning I had left the garage door open to the backyard while I was getting ready for work, and I opened to door to the garage from the house and caught him red handed chewing the rug, with a million chew toys laying there crying because he was ignoring them!!!! OH THAT DAMN DOG!!!!!  So for the record, Togie is a puppy, YES, if he was any other humans dog, he would be long gone down the road, but I do still love him....just have to let him know I mean B-U-S-I-N-E-S-S for once!! I am a weakling and always make him obey, then turn right around and hand out as many loves as possible...well NOT anymore my friends and family!! Oh and by the way, please just DO NOT mention my dogs to me for quite some time, I am rather pissy and am liable to bite your heads off. Just leave me and my dogs alone for now. Thanks in advance!

Ok- Sister's wedding.....Yup, I need $$$$, but almost as bad as that, I need to get to a real town that has a craft store so I can get busy making her invites!!!! Please send any and all ideas for a brides pre-wedding gift receiving/ game playing/ day to shine party to me!! Thanks for this in advance too!!!!

I really like colors, but I have some checks to write!!!

Next time, there will be pictures!

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