It's Spring!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Finally a Lovely Weekend!

Well after a lovely weekend back home to Fremont County, it has snowed almost a foot today down here in Saratogaville! And when we woke up Saturday morning in Riverton, there was heavy fog....gosh I think Winter finally arrived!!!! The snow today is so heavy and SO PERFECT for snowmen, it is just to windy for my lazy bones to go build one tonight!!!!!

Anyways, here is some hush hush blog-only news, Caleb has baby fever. Yup, I said it. So lets keep it between your eyeballs and this blog for now; I would hate for him to be made fun of and then change his mind. As for me, I am loving not having kids, loving the fact that I don't have body changes, loving the fact that it is just us, and I can sleep when I want, and do what I want. BUT- I would also love having a little duffer around!!! I think I am more hesitant at this point because I DREAD driving to Laramie for doctor appointments, I dread living in Saratoga with children for the fact that there is NOT one person I trust leaving my kids in daycare/preschool with, and the fact that if I go into labor and there is a snowstorm and roads are closed, then I would have some un-experienced/not so good/ town doctor delivering my lots to think about. and if we even started now: 1. I would not have fun in Vegas in May for my sisters' wedding 2.summer may suck 3. No NFR options for us AGAIN 4.December/January baby and we want May-October born babies 5. Too small of house/no room for anything else 6.We lose the bet to family membersds seems everyone I know is preggers right now, so why not wait when it seems less people are preggers???  and let them have their glory they need! 8. My sister has to have kids first 9. I need a different vehicle and finally the last, but there are more I am not listing...10. MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enough about this baby stuff- We went to Riverton for a few reasons; to see my Papa who is having a rough battle with Colon Cancer, to see mom and dad, to relax, and to have an Open House for my UL business.

Papa is doing ok- looks good, but looks tired and skinny. He is getting a lot of visitors and I think that is helping his spirits more than anything!!!!   That man is a wealth of knowledge and always will be!!

Mom and dad are still ornery........Friday night Buddy (our blue heeler) ripped his middle toe nail off and proceeded to bleed profusily (sorry on that spelling) all over mom's kitchen, but mind you, dad was passed out, Caleb was really sick so he was asleep bc of night time medicines, and so mom and I were stuck with cleaning!!! He is still walking on 3 legs, and carrying his front leg like he is gay. Yes, it is true. But He will survive!!! When I got home for lunch today, Togie had decided to chew the lids off of 2-1 gallon jugs of honey. Not only chew the lids off, but drag them over to the only piece of rug and let the entire gallon spill on it. THEN- step in it, track honey paw prints all over and then jump on their dog kennel which has a cover on it, so now we have honey EVERYWHERE!

Well my dear ones, this is all for now, because I am sick of waiting on my pictures to upload!!! I will get them on tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. I think when you're ready or suppose to have children it works out. I was freakin out about money only to find out a month after I get a positive pregnancy that I get a nearly $500 a month raise. Well, that covers daycare. :-) Oh, and I don't know really anyone but my coworkers in Cheyenne, but when people find out you're having a baby, they're very willing to help you. You'll know when it's right! <3
