Feb 2011- Time to go thru and see where I am standing on my list of things to accomplish!!! 84 more to go!
I heard about doing this back in January, and on the dreadful website Facebook, I actually started this as a note. As you can tell, I have not got very far. But now that people can only read this if I share the website, or if they follow one of my followers, I think I don't mind sharing. I am starting this list on Friday, April 16, 2010. It will be finished when it is posted, lets just hope it is today. So starting it today, means I have to accomplish these things by Friday, January 11, 2013. ( go to http://www.timeanddate.com/date/dateadded.html?m1=4&d1=16&y1=2010&type=add&ay=&am=&ad=1001&aw= to find your day 1001) But this is hard and I challenge every one of you reading to do the same. Just make sure you share it with someone, somehow so that you get that reminder to DO them!!!! So here it goes!!!!
UPDATE: It is now the first day of fall, and not spring anymore. Somehow I managed to skip summer months and in turn have not updated this list, or finished. Just so you are aware though, I have stopped up to this point at 49. I am now on a mission to try to complete this. However, as all the close friends and family know, my memory literally sucks, and I honestly am afraid I really need to start taking that old people stuff to help with memory, and I think it is called Ginko Baloba. (spelling??) And....I am off.
1.)Learn my camera inside and out
2.) Enter and win a photo contest
3.) Have a photo printed in Cowboys and Indians
4.)Have kids
5.)Take our honeymoon we never really go to take to Hawaii
6.)Have our current home on the market to sell
7.)Have an Uppercase Living Open House that reaches $1000 in sales ( I believe this was accomplished....need to check, but I came dang close!)
8.) Own a new vehicle
9.) Never weigh over 130 lbs (unless I am preggers of course)
10.) Find my brother in law a woman he can live happily ever after with
11.) Master the art of baking cinnamon rolls ~I think after hundreds of these made, I can say this is DONE!
12.) Take a photography class taught by a professional
13.) Put my clothes away EVERY time I take them out of the dryer
14.) Plant, grow, and share the wealth of my garden ~done- this fall,- that is a complete diff. blog subject, I better get on that too!~
15.) Get a privacy fence around our yard
16.) Surprise my husband with an over night, spur of the moment, getaway
17.) Paint our house a new color ~Done!!! It is now Grey with Dark Green Trim!!~
18.) Have the prettiest flowers in town
19.) Have at least 5 fun summer barbeques in our backyard 1 down, 4 to go
20.) Get my husband to read all 101 things on this!!!! DONE!!! He just read it!! YIPPEEEEEEEE
21.) Skydive at night over $Vegas$ (not sure if that is possible, but I am looking into it!)
22.) Find a penmenship class and learn how to write beautifully!!!
23.) Get a bikini sugar (like waxing)-- this may be the toughest goal yet!!!
24.) Send a card to each relative for their birthday
25.) Finish my degree ~DONE!! YAY!!!~
26.) Grow my hair longer than it has ever been in my life
27.) Have at least 2 months of bills in savings by Jan 2012
28.) Get the entire collection of ISpy books for Caleb
29.) Get pedicures for an entire summer
30.) Learn how to snowboard
31.) Meet the Gosselin kids and Kate
32.) Go to the Olympics with Caleb
33.) Don't miss one Poke Football game at home
34.) Hem the curtains in our house ~Done- last weekend :)~
35.) Have an Open House each weekend for an entire month
36.) Get my parents bathroom in tip-top shape
37.) Make sure my sister and bro-in-law get their living room curtains to stay in the wall
(sorry sister, Caleb has worn off on me about thing being 'done' right! I will have him help you so they don't fall out!!!)
38.) Go Snowshoeing
39.) Hunt a Big Game animal
40.) Don't miss a birthday party we are invited to for one year, then after as well.
41.) Make every wedding we get an invitation to from now until this ends, then after as well.
42.) Swim with dolphins
43.) Go to a Denver Broncos Game
44.) Blog once a week
45.) Get a custom UW Bucking Horse Infant Car Seat Cover..............for our badA** Child(ren) to come
46.) Make every recipe except the Burgundy Mushrooms in the PW Cookbook!!!!!
47.) Go to Elitches with a group of friends
48.) Visit our cousins in Europe
49.) Grow potatoes
50.)Find a job I love
51.) Learn how to cook healthy as well as cooking delicious
52.) Enter a coyote hunt with Caleb
53.) Make at least one 'true' friend in this place I am calling home ~I think I may have done this, with more to come!
54.) Organize all my photos on my SD cards
55.) Hit the next level in U.L.
56.) Start Caleb's Christmas present and get it finished this year. ~DONE! I made him a UW rag quilt- pictures to come
57.) Go visit Caleb's grandma
58.) Don't drink Red bull for one month, then two, etc etc
59.) fly in a two seater plane
60.) Learn the basics of quilting
61.) Go to the Kentucky Derby
62.) Get trees planted in our yard.
63.) Don't speak negative for an entire week ~I would say this has been happening since I am no longer in such a negative work environment!!! GO ME!!!
64.) Go Parasailing
65.) Pay off credit card
66.) pay off quickcash
67.) Join some sort of group in Saratoga, maybe bunco!!! ~DONE!! Bible Study, and I love it!
68.) see the nutcracker in Denver
69.) Get new living room furniture ~On our way Friday Feb 4th to search, ours is sold, so I would say this is DONE too!
70.) Go to Wal Mart and ONLY buy necessaties DONE
71.) Do my hair for one week straight Oh this is really done.........
72.) Take one road trip with out our cell phones
73.) Go to Kennedy Peak ~DONE!!! Had a great lil jaunt with Caleb and Kristen Lindsey!!
74.) Learn how to shoot Calebs 243
75.) Kill a coyote
76.) Replace our switch covers
77.) Visit each grandparents grave on Memorial Day
78.) Attend at least one church service ~Oh my heck!! We have been going to church for a couple months straight now!! DONE!!!
79.) Have a surprise party thrown for me
80.) Clean out clothes I wish I still fit in
81.) Loose 5 lbs.
82.) Increase my garden size every year
83.) Get all family members birthday presents on time
84.) Attend Cheyenne Frontier Days every summer for a concert
85.) Go to Fremont County Fair
86.) Watch a demo derby every year
87.) Drive a derby car in the powder puff
88.) Get a bike
89.) Put in for a moose license
90.) Visit my sister at least every 6 months
91.) Start a yearly trip
92.) Get my substitute teaching license ~ I have my sub aide....so close!
93.) Print out my favorite photos of mine
94.) My a halloween costume, for me, or anyone
95.) Go to the NFR
96.) Take an Alaskan Cruise
97.) See whales in the wild
98.) Be able to have professional photos of our 'family' done (includes Caleb and I, and Togie and Buddy and now Tika)
99.) Ride a train
100.)Start reading a series of novels ~DONE!!! I have got to a few, currently finishing the last book in a series.....
101.) **Stealing this from my sister** Pay myself $5 for each completed task and SAVE it until all are completed!
HOORAY!! I did it!!!! So now I am going to bake something out of PW's cookbook, and get one step closer to done!!! I highly encourage you to do this as well.........in fact, I am now changing # 75 with this "Have at least 5 friends make their 101 in 1001 list and let me know so I can get $5 in savings!"
Thank you, please don't forget to 'remind' me about this list, and to let me know when you have your list published.
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